Wind measurements
We are Pavana
Husum-based Pavana GmbH is the expert for highly specialized services in the planning of your wind energy project. We offer the following services:
Our services are simply indispensable for the planning and implementation of a wind energy project: they provide the basis for approval, are a condition for grid connection and ensure the financial viability and thus the marketability of your wind farm project with all its specific challenges and potentials.
These tasks require proven expertise, constantly updated technical equipment, and a broadly based wealth of experience and consideration. Find out more about us!
Quality Management
Pavana GmbH works according to national and international guidelines on a very high quality level. Our high quality standards were confirmed in the course of an accreditation by the DAkkS.
In the following areas our working method is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018:
Here you can find the accreditation certificate.
We are successfully accredited for the following standardized or equivalent test methods and work on the basis of the editions listed here:
* FGW TR6, Rev. 11, 2020-09 - Bestimmung von Windpotenzial und Energieerträgen
* IEC 61400-12-1 Ed. 3.0, 2022 - Wind energy generation systems - Part 12-1: Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines
* IEC 61400-12-5 Ed. 1.0, 2022 - Wind energy generation systems - Part 12-5: Power performance - Assessment of obstacles and terrain
* IEC 61400-50 Ed. 1.0, 2022 - Wind energy generation systems - Part 50: Wind measurement - Overview
* IEC 61400-50-1 Ed. 1.0, 2022 - Wind energy generation systems - Part 50-1: Wind measurement - Application of meteorological mast, nacelle and spinner mounted instruments
* IEC 61400-50-2 Ed. 1.0, 2022 - Wind energy generation systems - Part 50-2: Wind measurement - Application of ground-mounted remote sensing technology
**DIN ISO 9613-2, 1990-10 - Akustik - Dämpfung des Schalls bei der Ausbreitung im Freien - Teil 2: Allgemeines Berechnungsverfahren
*** FGW TR 10, Rev. 2, 2021-03 – Bestimmung der Standortgüte nach Inbetriebnahme